Privacy Policy

Please read carefully the following information to be able to consciously express your will concerning the processing of your data and the rights to you assigned, as established in Article 13 of D.Lgs. 196/2003 (GDPR).

1.Who does treat your personal data?
The data controller and/or the data processor makes use of your data for the purposes and the required methods and means of the processing of personal data, is WJ England & Son Ltd, Vat number MT11382415, headquarter in 190, First Floor, Marina Street Pieta, PTA9041, Malta, who established the purposes and methods of your personal data’s treatment.

2.Why and how do we treat your personal data?
The personal data you have provided us, by filling in the registration form will be used by WJ England & Son Ltd according your chosen criteria as detailed on the following conditions:

Personal data’s treatment purposes: Pending e-mails about technical and commercial information.
Why do we use these data?: Personal data’s treatment is optional and needs your explicit consent.
Who has access to your personal data?: Only our staff has access to them.
How long do we store your personal data?: We store data for a period of 24 months from our request.

3.What does happen if I do not provide my personal data and/or my consent?
In case you did not provide us with your consent, WJ England & Son Ltd won’t be able to send you technical and commercial information. WJ England & Son Ltd and other designated subjects may also carry out some anonymous statistical analysis in order to improve the quality of the provided services. These activities will be carried out on the basis of a legitimate interest. In case the provided data were incomplete or incorrect WJ England & Son Ltd will not be able to guarantee a correct request handling.

4.How do we manage your data?
WJ England & Son Ltd and other designated subjects will use your personal data in order to guarantee the safety and confidentiality of same data, both by electronic and paper means.

5.Who will have access to my personal data?
In order to provide our support to your specific requests, your personal data will be treated by: (i) WJ England & Son Ltd authorized members and thus bound to privacy principles, (ii) or by external partners designated by WJ England & Son Ltd (formerly art. 28 GDPR to external treatment responsible), whom undersigned a specific contract aimed to guarantee that the processing of your data would be carried out according and the rights to you assigned, as indicated in the chart at point 2. The complete list of the external responsible of your personal data’s treatment is available at WJ England & Son Ltd Maltaand you will be able to request it by using the contact indicated below.

6.How long you will store my personal data?
Your personal data will be stored just for the time indicated in the chart at point 2, provided the revocation of your consent or the exercise of the rights indicated at point 8. In any case, the data controller and the appointed data processor could store your data for a longer period of time, in order to fulfill specific obligations established by law. At the end of such period of time your personal data could be cancelled or rendered anonymous.

7.Do you transfer my data to EXTRA EU countries?
Your data will not be transferred, sent or divulged to subjects located outside the European Union.

8.How can I protect my rights?
WJ England & Son Ltd and its partners will allow you to exercise the rights granted by law regarding your personal data’s treatment. You will be able to exercise these rights any time, more specifically:
• You will be able to ask us if we own your personal data and how we use them (right of access);
• You will be able to ask us to updated, modify or integrate your data;
• You will be able to ask us to cancel your data (right to be forgotten);
• You will be able to ask us to obtain an interoperable copy of your data that could be easily transferred to another subject;
• You will be able to oppose to the use of your personal data;
• You will be able any time to revoke your consent you previously granted us;
• You will be able to ask us for the existence of a completely automated decision-making process.

You will be able to address the above requests in writing to WJ England & Son Ltd Malta or by e-mail to send to the following address: Please kindly note that you will have the right to file a complaint directly to the Competition Authority for the protection of personal data.